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0539 'aman {aw-man'}   
基本型; TWOT - 116; 動詞   
欽定本 - believe 44, assurance 1,  faithful 20, sure 11, established 7,   
     trust 5, verified 3, stedfast 2, continuance 2, father 2, bring up 4,   
     nurse 2, be nursed 1, surely be 1, stand fast 1, fail 1, trusty 1; 108   
1) 支持, 確認, 忠心   
   1a) (Qal)   
       1a1) 支持, 確認, 忠心, 支撐, 滋養   
            1a1a) 養父(實名詞)   
            1a1b) 養母, 保姆   
            1a1c) 樑柱, 撐住門的柱子   
   1b) (Niphal)   
       1b1) 確立, 忠心, 看護, 堅立   
            1b1a) 由保姆看護   
            1b1b) 堅立, 確信, 持久   
            1b1c) 確認, 確立, 確信   
            1b1d) 驗證, 確認   
            1b1e) 可靠的, 忠心的, 可信任的   
   1c) (Hiphil)   
       1c1) 堅信, 信任, 確信, 相信   
            1c1a) 堅信   
            1c1b) 倚賴, 相信

0539 'aman {aw-man'} a primitive root; TWOT - 116; v AV - believe 44, assurance 1, faithful 20, sure 11, established 7, trust 5, verified 3, stedfast 2, continuance 2, father 2, bring up 4, nurse 2, be nursed 1, surely be 1, stand fast 1, fail 1, trusty 1; 108 1) to support, confirm, be faithful 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to support, confirm, be faithful, uphold, nourish 1a1a) foster-father (subst.) 1a1b) foster-mother, nurse 1a1c) pillars, supporters of the door 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to be established, be faithful, be carried, make firm 1b1a) to be carried by a nurse 1b1b) made firm, sure, lasting 1b1c) confirmed, established, sure 1b1d) verified, confirmed 1b1e) reliable, faithful, trusty 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) to stand firm, to trust, to be certain, to believe in 1c1a) stand firm 1c1b) trust, believe

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創設日期:主後1899年9月16日 劃撥帳號:02874751