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05234 nakar {naw-kar'}
字根型; TWOT - 1368; 動詞
欽定本 - know 16, acknowledge 7, discern 6, respect 4, knowledge 2,
known 2, feign to another 2, misc 11; 50
1) 認識, 承認, 知道, 關心, 洞悉, 視為
1a) (Niphal) 被認識
1b) (Piel) 視為
1c) (Hiphil)
1c1) 注意, 覺察, 注意到, 關注到, 留意
1c2) 認識(以前知道), 察覺
1c3) 願意認識或承認, 嘉許
1c4) 與...熟識
1c5) 區別, 理解
1d) (Hithpael) 使自己出名
2) 舉動或待人像外國人或陌生人, 喬裝, 誤會
2a) (Niphal) 把自己喬裝起來
2b) (Piel)
2b1) 待人像外國人(異教的)
2b2) 誤會
2c) (Hithpael)
2c1) 舉動像外國人
2c2) 把自己喬裝起來
05234 nakar {naw-kar'}
a primitive root; TWOT - 1368; v
AV - know 16, acknowledge 7, discern 6, respect 4, knowledge 2,
known 2, feign to another 2, misc 11; 50
1) to recognise, acknowledge, know, respect, discern, regard
1a) (Niphal) to be recognised
1b) (Piel) to regard
1c) (Hiphil)
1c1) to regard, observe, pay attention to, pay regard to, notice
1c2) to recognise (as formerly known), perceive
1c3) to be willing to recognise or acknowledge, acknowledge with
1c4) to be acquainted with
1c5) to distinguish, understand
1d) (Hithpael) to make oneself known
2) to act or treat as foreign or strange, disguise, misconstrue
2a) (Niphal) to disguise oneself
2b) (Piel)
2b1) to treat as foreign (profane)
2b2) to misconstrue
2c) (Hithpael)
2c1) to act as alien
2c2) to disguise oneself
台灣基督長老教會芳苑教會 |
牧師:盧佳惠傳道師 |
地圖一 地圖二
email:fychurch@fhl.net |
電話:04-8984316 |
創設日期:主後1899年9月16日 |
劃撥帳號:02874751 |