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0518 'im {eem}   
連接詞; TWOT - 111; 條件部分   
AV - if, not, or, when, whether, surely, doubtless, while, neither,   
     saving, verily; 43   
1) 若   
   1a) 條件子句   
       1a1) 可能的狀況   
       1a2) 不可能的狀況   
   1b) 誓言情境   
       1b1) 不    
   1c) 若...若, 或...或,    
   1d) 當...時, 不論何時   
   1e) 既然   
   1f) 表疑問的連接詞   
   1g) 寧可

0518 'im {eem} a primitive particle; TWOT - 111; conditional part AV - if, not, or, when, whether, surely, doubtless, while, neither, saving, verily; 43 1) if 1a) conditional clauses 1a1) of possible situations 1a2) of impossible situations 1b) oath contexts 1b1) no, not 1c) if...if, whether...or, whether...or...or 1d) when, whenever 1e) since 1f) interrogative particle 1g) but rather

