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05015 N@bow {neb-o'}   
可能是外來衍生字; TWOT - 1279,1280;   
欽定本 - Nebo 13; 13   
尼波 = "先知"   
1) 一個巴比倫神, 掌管學習和文字;   相當於希臘赫密士, 拉丁的Mercury,    
專有名詞 地名   
2) 在摩押的一座城並曾經分給流便族; 可能位於或靠近尼波山   
3) 在猶大的一座城(可能是便雅憫) 原本來自一些與所羅巴伯一起從巴比倫歸回   
4) 摩希去逝的那座山; 位於約旦東方, 與耶利哥相對; 地點不明

05015 N@bow {neb-o'} probably of foreign derivation; TWOT - 1279,1280; AV - Nebo 13; 13 Nebo = "prophet" n pr m 1) a Babylonian deity who presided over learning and letters; corresponds to Greek Hermes, Latin Mercury, and Egyptian Thoth n pr loc 2) a city in Moab and at one time assigned to Reuben; probably located on or near Mount Nebo 3) a city in Judah (maybe Benjamin) from which the families of some exiles, who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel, originally came 4) the mountain where Moses died; located east of the Jordan opposite Jericho; site uncertain

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