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04983 Mattanyah {mat-tan-yaw'} 或 Mattanyahuw {mat-tan-yaw'-hoo}   
源自 04976 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞   
AV - Mattaniah 16; 16   
瑪探雅 或 瑪他尼 = "耶和華的禮物"   
1) 猶大國末代國王的本名, 在被巴比倫王扶立為猶大王後, 被改名為 "西底家"    
   (#王下 24:17|)   
2) 利未人希幔的兒子, 其被大衛王所指派的工作是在聖幕的服事中司號    
   (#代上 25:4|)   
3) 利未人亞薩家族的一員 (#代上 9:15|)   
4) 利未人亞薩家族的一員, 他在希西家時曾協助潔淨聖殿的工作 (#代下 29:13|)   
5) 利未人亞薩家族的一員, 他參與了敬獻耶路撒冷城牆的典禮; 他是聖殿中詩班   
   的領詩者 (#尼 12:25,35|)   
6) 利未人亞薩家族的一員, 其子孫雅哈悉在猶大王約沙法帶領全國向耶和華禱   
   告時, 曾被神的靈臨到 (#代下 20:14|)   
7) 另一位尼希米時代的利未人(#尼 11:17|)   
8) 利未人撒刻的父親, 哈難的祖先(祖父), 哈難是在尼希米時掌管庫房, 負責   
   供應弟兄所需的官員之一 (#尼 13:13|)   
9) 以攔的兒子之一, 因以斯拉的要求而將和外邦女妻子離婚了 (#拉 10:26|)   
10) 薩土的兒子之一, 因以斯拉的要求而將和外邦女妻子離婚了 (#拉 10:27|)   
11) 以斯拉時代的一位巴哈-摩押的子孫, 曾娶了一外邦女子為妻, 後因以斯拉   
    之要求而離婚了 (#拉 10:30|)   
12) 巴尼的眾之一, 因以斯拉的要求而將和外邦女妻子離婚了 (#拉 10:37|)

04983 Mattanyah {mat-tan-yaw'} or Mattanyahuw {mat-tan-yaw'-hoo} from 04976 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Mattaniah 16; 16 Mattaniah = "gift of Jehovah" 1) the original name of the last king of Judah before the captivity; also known as 'Zedekiah' 2) a Levite, son of Heman, whose office was to blow the horns in the temple service as appointed by David 3) a Levite of the family of Asaph 4) a Levite of the family of Asaph who assisted in the purification of the temple in the reign of Hezekiah 5) a Levite of the family of Asaph who took part in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem; leader of the temple choir 6) a Levite, descendant of Asaph and ancestor of Jahaziel in the time of Jehoshaphat 7) another Levite in the time of Nehemiah 8) a Levite, father of Zaccur and ancestor of Hanan the under-treasurer who had charge of the offerings in the time of Nehemiah 9) a man of the sons of Elam who had and put away a strange wife in the time of Ezra 10) a man of the sons of Zattu who had and put away a strange wife in the time of Ezra 11) a man descended from Pahath-moab who had and put away a strange wife in the time of Ezra 12) a man of the sons of Bani who had and put away a strange wife in the time of Ezra