闽竒ゅ 玡
04792 Merowm {may-rome'}   
 04791;; 盡Τ迭    
AV - Merom 2; 2   
μ = "蔼矪"   
1) 瓄玭打, 碞ㄈ隔竒瑿猾よ羛幅ぇ隔絬   
   1a) 翴ぃ冈; 打パス猠Θ,   
       よ璣矪 (せそń)

04792 Merowm {may-rome'} formed like 04791;; n pr loc AV - Merom 2; 2 Merom = "high place" 1) the lake in northern Canaan at which Joshua routed the northern confederacy headed by Jabin 1a) site uncertain; probably the lake formed by the Jordan river about 10 miles (16 km) north of the Sea of Galilee

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