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相關經文 回前一頁
04519 M@nashsheh {men-ash-sheh'}   
源自 05382; TWOT - 1217; 陽性專有名詞   
欽定本 - Manasseh 146; 146   
瑪拿西 = "導致遺忘"   
1) 約瑟的長子, 瑪拿西族的祖先   
   1a) 瑪拿西的後裔種族   
   1b) 瑪拿西族佔有的領土   
2) 猶大王希西家之子, 他本身是由大王; 他立即且直接導致(以色列人)流亡   
3) 在以斯拉時代拋棄外邦妻子的巴哈摩押之後裔   
4) 在以斯拉時代拋棄外邦妻子的哈順之後裔

04519 M@nashsheh {men-ash-sheh'} from 05382; TWOT - 1217; n pr m AV - Manasseh 146; 146 Manasseh = "causing to forget" 1) the eldest son of Joseph and progenitor of the tribe of Manasseh 1a) the tribe descended from Manasseh 1b) the territory occupied by the tribe of Manasseh 2) son of king Hezekiah of Judah and himself king of Judah; he was the immediate and direct cause for the exile 3) a descendant of Pahath-moab who put away a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 4) a descendant of Hashum who put away a foreign wife in the time of Ezra



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