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04191 muwth {mooth}   
字根形; TWOT - 1169; 動詞   
AV - die 424, dead 130, slay 100, death 83, surely 50, kill 31,   
     dead man 3, dead body 2, in no wise 2, misc 10; 835   
1) 死, 殺害, 處死某人   
   1a) (Qal)   
       1a1) 死   
       1a2) 死 (如刑罰), 治死   
       1a3) 滅絕, 消滅 (一個國家)   
       1a4) 未成熟而死 (因輕忽智慧的道德行為)   
   1b) (Polel) 殺死, 治地, 處死   
   1c) (Hiphil) 殺死, 治死   
   1d) (Hophal)   
       1d1) 被殺死, 被治死   
            1d1a) 未成熟而死

04191 muwth {mooth} a primitive root; TWOT - 1169; v AV - die 424, dead 130, slay 100, death 83, surely 50, kill 31, dead man 3, dead body 2, in no wise 2, misc 10; 835 1) to die, kill, have one executed 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to die 1a2) to die (as penalty), be put to death 1a3) to die, perish (of a nation) 1a4) to die prematurely (by neglect of wise moral conduct) 1b) (Polel) to kill, put to death, dispatch 1c) (Hiphil) to kill, put to death 1d) (Hophal) 1d1) to be killed, be put to death 1d1a) to die prematurely

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