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03870 Luwz {looz}   
可能源自 03869 (as growing there);; 專有名詞 地名   
欽定本 - Luz 8; 8   
路斯 = "杏樹"   
1) 伯特利早期的名字, 可能是一個市鎮的名字, 其位置鄰近雅各築壇立柱之地   
2) 希提地一個市鎮的名字; 地點不詳

03870 Luwz {looz} probably from 03869 (as growing there);; n pr loc AV - Luz 8; 8 Luz = "almond tree" 1) the early name of Bethel and probably the name of the town in close proximity to the actual location of the altar and pillar of Jacob 2) the name of a town in the land of the Hittites; site unknown

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