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03837 Laban {law-bawn'}   
與 03836 同;   
AV - Laban 55; 55   
拉班 = "白色的"   
1) 彼土利的兒子, 利百加的兄弟, 利亞和拉結的父親   
專有名詞 地名   
2) 以色列人在曠野時所駐紮過的一個地方 (#申 1:1|)

03837 Laban {law-bawn'} the same as 03836; AV - Laban 55; 55 Laban = "white" n pr m 1) son of Bethuel, brother of Rebekah, and father of Leah and Rachel n pr loc 2) a wilderness encampment of the Israelites

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