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03615 kalah {kaw-law'}
字根型; TWOT - 982,983,984; 動詞
欽定本 - consume 57, end 44, finish 20, fail 18, accomplish 12, done 9,
spend 8, ended 7, determined 4, away 3, fulfil 3, fainteth 2,
destroy 2, left 2, waste 2, misc 13; 206
1) 實現, 停止, 消耗, 決定, 結束, 失敗, 完成, 成為完整的,
成為已實現的, 被結束, 在一端, 被完成, 被花掉
1a) (Qal)
1a1) 成為完整的, 在一端
1a2) 被完成, 被完成
1a3) 成為已實現的, 被實現
1a4) 被決定, 被策劃(壞的意思)
1a5) 被花掉, 被用完
1a6) 消瘦, 精疲力竭的, 失敗
1a7) 結束, 消失, 消滅, 被毀壞
1b) (Piel)
1b1) 使完整, 結束, 完成
1b2) 使完整(一段時間)
1b3) 完成(做一件事)
1b4) 了結, 結束
1b5) 實現, 履行, 完成
1b6) 實現, 決定(在思想方面)
1b7) 結束, 導致停止
1b8) 導致失敗, 精疲力竭, 耗盡, 花費
1b9) 毀壞, 根除
1c) (Pual) 被完成, 被結束, 成為完整的
03615 kalah {kaw-law'}
a primitive root; TWOT - 982,983,984; v
AV - consume 57, end 44, finish 20, fail 18, accomplish 12, done 9,
spend 8, ended 7, determined 4, away 3, fulfil 3, fainteth 2,
destroy 2, left 2, waste 2, misc 13; 206
1) to accomplish, cease, consume, determine, end, fail, finish, be
complete, be accomplished, be ended, be at an end, be finished,
be spent
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be complete, be at an end
1a2) to be completed, be finished
1a3) to be accomplished, be fulfilled
1a4) to be determined, be plotted (bad sense)
1a5) to be spent, be used up
1a6) to waste away, be exhausted, fail
1a7) to come to an end, vanish, perish, be destroyed
1b) (Piel)
1b1) to complete, bring to an end, finish
1b2) to complete (a period of time)
1b3) to finish (doing a thing)
1b4) to make an end, end
1b5) to accomplish, fulfil, bring to pass
1b6) to accomplish, determine (in thought)
1b7) to put an end to, cause to cease
1b8) to cause to fail, exhaust, use up, spend
1b9) to destroy, exterminate
1c) (Pual) to be finished, be ended, be completed
台灣基督長老教會芳苑教會 |
牧師:盧佳惠傳道師 |
地圖一 地圖二
email:fychurch@fhl.net |
電話:04-8984316 |
創設日期:主後1899年9月16日 |
劃撥帳號:02874751 |