闽竒ゅ 玡
03566 Kowresh {ko'-resh} ┪ (# ┰ 1:1| [程Ω];# ┰ 1:2|) Koresh {ko'-resh}   
方猧吹粂; 锭┦盡Τ迭   
窜﹚セ - Cyrus 15; 15   
 = 局Τ膌   
1) ┖狝ぺゑ猧吹; 材す砛砆聚︹瑿隔蓟猧吹

03566 Kowresh {ko'-resh} or (Ezra 1:1 [last time],2) Koresh {ko'-resh} from the Persians;; n pr m AV - Cyrus 15; 15 Cyrus = "posses thou the furnace" 1) the king of Persia and conqueror of Babylon; first ruler of Persia to make a decree allowing the Israelite exiles to return to Jerusalem

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