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03485 Yissaskar {yis-saw-kawr'} (精確地說應是 yis-saws-kawr')   
源自 05375 和 07939;   
AV - Issachar 43; 43   
以薩迦 = "有價值"   
1) 雅各和他的大老婆利亞所生的兒子, 是雅各的第九個兒子, 利亞的第五個兒子, 以薩迦族的始祖   
2) 可拉族利未人, 俄別以東的第七個兒子, 是聖殿的守門者 (#代上 26:5|)   
專有名詞 集合名詞   
3) 一個部落, 是雅各的兒子以薩迦的後裔   
專有名詞 地名   
4) 當以色列人進入迦南地時, 所分配給以薩迦後裔的領土範圍

03485 Yissaskar {yis-saw-kawr'} (strictly yis-saws-kawr') from 05375 and 07939; AV - Issachar 43; 43 Issachar = "there is recompense" n pr m 1) the 9th son of Jacob and the 5th by Leah his first wife and the progenitor of a tribe by his name 2) a Korahite Levite and the 7th son of Obed-edom and doorkeeper to the temple n pr coll 3) the tribe descended from Issachar the son of Jacob n pr loc 4) the territory allocated to the descendants of Issachar when they entered the land of Canaan



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