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03478 Yisra'el {yis-raw-ale'}   
源自 08280 與 0410;; 陽性專有名詞   
AV - Israel 2489, Israelites 16; 2505   
以色列 = "上帝勝過"   
1) 雅各的第二個名字,是上帝於雅各在毘努伊勒與天使摔跤後給他的   
2) 雅各後裔的名字及雅各後裔的國家之名   
   2a) 為該國的名稱,直到所羅門去世後國家分裂   
   2b) 在耶羅波安管理下由十個支派所組成的北國之名稱; 南國是猶大   
   2c) 被擄歸回後,復國名稱

03478 Yisra'el {yis-raw-ale'} from 08280 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Israel 2489, Israelites 16; 2505 Israel = "God prevails" 1) the second name for Jacob given to him by God after his wrestling with the angel at Peniel 2) the name of the descendants and the nation of the descendants of Jacob 2a) the name of the nation until the death of Solomon and the split 2b) the name used and given to the northern kingdom consisting of the 10 tribes under Jeroboam; the southern kingdom was known as Judah 2c) the name of the nation after the return from exile

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