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相關經文 回前一頁
03414 Yirm@yah {yir-meh-yaw'} 或 Yirm@yahuw {yir-meh-yaw'-hoo}   
源自 07311 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞   
欽定本 - Jeremiah 147; 147   
耶利米 = "耶和華所指定的"   
1) 大先知之一, 亞拿突城祭司希勒家的兒子; 耶利米書的作者 ( #耶 1:1| )   
2) 立拿人, 約西亞王妻子哈慕他的父親    
3) 迦得的勇士之一, 在洗革拉投奔大衛 ( #代上 12:10| )   
4) 瑪拿西人, 約旦河東岸的半個瑪拿西支派的大能勇士及族長 ( #代上 5:24| )   
5) 大衛的一個迦得族的勇士   
6) 大衛的勇士之一 ( #代上 12:4| )   
7) 在和尼希米所訂的公約上簽名的祭司之一 ( #尼 10:1| )   
8) 尼希米時代的祭司之一, 也許和 7) 指的是同一人 ( #尼 12:1| )   
9) 利甲人亞撒尼亞的父親 ( #耶 35:3|, 譯作雅利米雅 )

03414 Yirm@yah {yir-meh-yaw'} or Yirm@yahuw {yir-meh-yaw'-hoo} from 07311 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Jeremiah 147; 147 Jeremiah = "whom Jehovah has appointed" 1) the major prophet, son of Hilkiah of the priestly family in Anathoth; author of the prophetic book bearing his name 2) a man of Libnah and father of Hamutal the wife of king Josiah 3) a Gadite who joined David at Ziklag 4) a Manassehite, one of the mighty men of valour of the Transjordanic half tribe of Manasseh 5) a Gadite and warrior of David 6) a warrior of David 7) a priest who joined Nehemiah in the covenant ceremony 8) a priest also in the time of Nehemiah; maybe same as 7 9) father of Jaazaniah the Rechabites



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