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03037 Yadduwa` {yad-doo'-ah}   
源自 03045;; 陽性專有名詞   
欽定本 - Jaddua 3; 3   
押杜亞 = "認識、知道"   
1) 與尼希米立約的一個人民領袖   
2)約拿單、約書啞、約哈難大祭司的兒子與繼位者; 舊約所提及的最後的大祭司   

03037 Yadduwa` {yad-doo'-ah} from 03045;; n pr m AV - Jaddua 3; 3 Jaddua = "knowing" 1) one of the chiefs of the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah 2) son and successor in the high priesthood of Jonathan, Jeshua, or Johanan; the last of the high priests mentioned in the OT, probably living in the time of Alexander the Great

