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02652 Chophniy {khof-nee'}   
源自 02651;; 陽性專有名詞   
AV - Hophni 5; 5   
何弗尼 = "拳擊師"   
1) 以利的兩個兒子之一. 以利的二子在示羅任祭司的職分, 卻以殘暴   
   和縱慾而著稱; 因著他們的罪行而引致對以利家的咒詛及神的審判,   
   在他們將約櫃抬至戰場與非利士人對陣時, 約櫃被敵人奪去, 此二   
   子命喪戰場, 而以利也在聽到此惡耗後去世了.   

02652 Chophniy {khof-nee'} from 02651;; n pr m AV - Hophni 5; 5 Hophni = "pugilist" 1) one of the two sons of Eli who were priests at Shiloh and were noted for their brutality and lust; their sinfulness provoked a curse against their father's house and were judged by the Lord when they took the ark into battle; the ark was lost and both brothers were killed and Eli died when he heard the news

