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02607 Chananiy {khan-aw-nee'}   
源自 02603;; 陽性專有名詞   
AV - Hanani 11; 11   
哈拿尼 = "優雅的"   
1) 希幔的眾子之一, 大衛王的一位樂班的首領, 負責第十八班的服事 (#代上 25:4,25|)   
2) 一位曾斥責猶大王亞撒的先知, 因此而被下到牢裡 (#代下 16:7|)   
   2a) 可能是另一曾作見證抵擋巴沙的先知耶戶的父親 (#王上 16:1,7|)   
3) 以斯拉時代的祭司之一, 他曾娶了一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:20|)   
4) 尼希米的兄弟, 被尼希米指派負責管理耶路撒冷的人之一 (#尼 7:2|)   
5) 一位尼希米帶領的祭司, 他是負責樂班的人之一 (#尼 12:36|)

02607 Chananiy {khan-aw-nee'} from 02603;; n pr m AV - Hanani 11; 11 Hanani = "gracious" 1) one of the sons of Heman, a chief musician of David, and head of the 18th course of the service 2) a seer who rebuked Asa, king of Judah, and was imprisoned 2a) maybe, father of Jehu the seer who testified against Baasha 3) one of the priests who in the time of Ezra took a foreign wife 4) brother of Nehemiah whom Nehemiah appointed governor of Jerusalem 5) another priest who was the chief musician under Nehemiah

