闽竒ゅ 玡
02468 Chuldah {khool-daw'}   
方 02467;; 潮┦迭   
AV - Huldah 2; 2   
め扒 = "胇公"   
1) ﹁ㄈ, ﹁ㄈ纯扒產┮祇瞷猭τ紉―   
   舦┦種ǎ. (# 22:14; 34:22|)

02468 Chuldah {khool-daw'} from 02467;; n pr f AV - Huldah 2; 2 Huldah = "weasel" 1) a prophetess in the time of Josiah whom Josiah asked for an authoritative opinion on the book of the law which Hilkiah found

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