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01410 Gad {gawd}   
源自 01464;; 陽性專有名詞   
欽定本 - Gad 70; 70   
迦得 = "軍隊"   
1) 雅各的第七個兒子, 為悉帕(利亞的侍女)所生, 是亞設的全兄   
2) 迦得的後裔支派   
3) 大衛時代的一位先知; 出現在大衛被追捕時與他會合; 出現與因(大衛)普查   
   (兵員之數)而受的處罰有關(#代上 21:9-19|); 並且協助安排"上帝之家"的   
  音樂禮拜(#代下 29:25|)

01410 Gad {gawd} from 01464;; n pr m AV - Gad 70; 70 Gad = "troop" 1) seventh son of Jacob by Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, and full brother of Asher. 2) the tribe descended from Gad 3) a prophet during the time of David; appears to have joined David when in the hold; reappears in connection with the punishment for taking a census; also assisted in the arrangements for the musical service of the "house of God"

