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01168 Ba`al {bah'-al}   
同 01167; TWOT - 262a   
AV - Baal 62, Baalim 18; 80   
巴力 = "主"   
1) 腓尼基人或迦南人的至高神   
2) 流便支派的一個人 (#代上 5:5|)   
3) 耶利之子; 掃羅的祖父 (#代上 8:30|)   
專有名詞 地名   
4) 西緬支派的一個城鎮 (#代上 4:33|), 大概就是巴拉比珥(#書 19:8|)

01168 Ba`al {bah'-al} the same as 01167; TWOT - 262a AV - Baal 62, Baalim 18; 80 Baal = "lord" n pr m 1) supreme male divinity of the Phoenicians or Canaanites 2) a Reubenite 3) the son of Jehiel and grandfather of Saul n pr loc 4) a town of Simeon, probably identical to Baalath-beer

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