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01019 Beyth hag-Gllgal {bayth hag-gil gawl'}   
源自 01004與 01537 with 定冠詞插入;;專有名詞地名   
欽定本 - synonym for Guilgal 1; 1   
伯吉甲 = "有輪子的房子"   
1) 一個地方,位於巴勒斯坦 ( #尼12:28|)

01019 Beyth hag-Gllgal {bayth hag-gil gawl'} from 01004 and 01537 with the article interposed;; n pr loc AV - synonym for Guilgal 1; 1 Beth-gilgal = "the house of the wheel" 1) a place in Palestine

