闽竒ゅ 玡
0204 'Own {one} ┪ (罽糶) 'On {one}   
甁の粂璴ネ;; 盡Τ迭    
AV - On 3; 3   
 = "秖┪"   
1) 甁のカ, 簈娩矪, 盧び锭いみ,   
   猧矗獶┰(步, 锋┄) ﹡ぇ

0204 'Own {one} or (shortened) 'On {one} of Egyptian derivation;; n pr loc AV - On 3; 3 On = "strength or vigour" 1) city in lower Egypt, bordering land of Goshen, centre of sun-worship, residence of Potipherah (priest of On and father-in-law of Joseph)

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