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963 Bethania {bay-than-ee'-ah}   
源自亞蘭文; 專有地名   
AV - Bethany 11; 11   
伯大尼 = "棗椰之家" 或 "悲慘之家"   
1) 橄欖山上的一個村子,離耶路撒冷約三公里   
2) 在約但東岸的一個地方,約翰在那裡受洗 (#約 1:28|)

963 Bethania {bay-than-ee'-ah} of Aramaic origin;; n pr loc AV - Bethany 11; 11 Bethany = "house of dates" or, "house of misery" 1) a village at the Mount of Olives, about two miles (3 km) from Jerusalem, on or near the normal road to Jericho 2) a town or village on the east bank of the Jordan, where John was baptising

