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769 astheneia {as-then'-i-ah}   
源於 772; TDNT - 1:490,83; 陰性名詞   
AV - infirmity 17, weakness 5, disease 1, sickness 1, 24   
1) 沒有力量, 軟弱, 柔弱   
   1a) 指肉體   
       1a1) 指其本質上的脆弱   
       1a2) 指健康上出問題或生病   
   1b) 指靈魂   
       1b1) 指缺乏強度和心智能力的要素   
            1b1a) 在明瞭事情上   
            1b1b) 在作榮耀的大事上   
            1b1c) 在抵擋導致敗壞的慾念上   
            1b1d) 在承受試驗和苦難上

769 astheneia {as-then'-i-ah} from 772; TDNT - 1:490,83; n f AV - infirmity 17, weakness 5, disease 1, sickness 1, 24 1) want of strength, weakness, infirmity 1a) of the body 1a1) its native weakness and frailty 1a2) feebleness of health or sickness 1b) of the soul 1b1) want of strength and capacity requisite 1b1a) to understand a thing 1b1b) to do things great and glorious 1b1c) to restrain corrupt desires 1b1d) to bear trials and troubles



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