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740 artos {ar'-tos}   
源於 142; TDNT - 1:477,80;陽性名詞   
AV - bread 72, loaf 23, shewbread + 4286 + 3588 4; 99   
1) 用水和麵粉混合後所烤出的食物   
   1a) 以色列人以此法製成的圓形或橢圓形的餅, 約一拇指厚, 一個盤子的大小, 可放在盤子   
       內上桌而不必再切, 食用時直接剝開即可.   
   1b) 奉獻給神的長方形麵包   
   1c) 在主的桌上或所謂的"愛筵"中所用的麵餅   
2) 任何種料的食物

740 artos {ar'-tos} from 142; TDNT - 1:477,80; n m AV - bread 72, loaf 23, shewbread + 4286 + 3588 4; 99 1) food composed of flour mixed with water and baked 1a) the Israelites made it in the form of an oblong or round cake, as thick as one's thumb, and as large as a plate or platter hence it was not to be cut but broken 1b) loaves were consecrated to the Lord 1c) of the bread used at the love-feasts and at the Lord's Table 2) food of any kind

