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73 agon {ag-one'}   
源於 71; TDNT - 1:135,20;陽性名詞   
AV - conflict 2, fight 2, contention 1, race 1; 6   
1) 集會集合的地方   
   1a) 聚會的起方: 尤其指聚在一起觀賞遊戲節目的地方   
   1b) 競賽的地方, 競技場或露天體育場   
2) 指因國家的節目或活動而聚在一起的希臘人, 如   
   2a) 競技的活動   
   2b) 一般來說, 任何的爭鬥或競賽   
   2c) 戰鬥   
   2d) 法律事件, 訴訟

73 agon {ag-one'} from 71; TDNT - 1:135,20; n m AV - conflict 2, fight 2, contention 1, race 1; 6 1) an assembly, 1a) a place of assembly: especially an assembly met to see games 1b) the place of contest, the arena or stadium 2) the assembly of the Greeks at their national games 2a) hence the contest for a prize at their games 2b) generally, any struggle or contest 2c) a battle 2d) an action at law, trial



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