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5610 hora {ho'-rah}   
顯然是一個字根型的字; TDNT - 9:675,1355; 陰性名詞   
AV - hour 89, time 11, season 3, misc 5; 108   
1) 指某特定的時間或自然季節(每年一度的)   
   1a) 每年的季節, 春, 夏, 秋, 冬   
2) 白天 (日出日落之間的時間), 一天   
3) 白天的十二分之一的時間, 一個小時 (以十二個小時為日出至日落的時間)   
4) 任何一個特定的時間, 某個時刻, 某一刻

5610 hora {ho'-rah} apparently a primary word; TDNT - 9:675,1355; n f AV - hour 89, time 11, season 3, misc 5; 108 1) a certain definite time or season fixed by natural law and returning with the revolving year 1a) of the seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, winter 2) the daytime (bounded by the rising and setting of the sun), a day 3) a twelfth part of the day-time, an hour, (the twelve hours of the day are reckoned from the rising to the setting of the sun) 4) any definite time, point of time, moment

