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5344 Phelix {fay'-lix}   
AV - Felix 9; 9   
腓力斯 = "快樂的"   
1) 於主後 52 年被羅馬皇帝革老丟所任命為猶太地的巡撫.    
   他以耍手段, 殘忍, 放蕩的態度管理這地. 他統管時期充   
   滿了亂事及暴動. 保羅在該撒利亞被帶到腓力斯面前. 他   
   被送回監獄, 而且被關兩年之久, 希望給錢行賄以求釋.    
   #徒 24:26,27|.    
   的事情, 後由波求非斯都繼任巡撫. 在返回羅馬時, 在該撒   
   利亞被猶太人控告, 而若不是他的兄弟帕拉斯說服尼錄王赦免他,   
   很可能會因他的惡行而受刑罰. 腓力斯的妻子是土西拉, 她是   
   希律王亞基帕一世的女兒, 是腓力斯第三任的妻子, 也是因腓   

5344 Phelix {fay'-lix} of Latin origin;; n pr m AV - Felix 9; 9 Felix = "happy" 1) a Roman procurator of Judea appointed by the emperor Claudius in A.D. 53. He ruled the province in a mean, cruel, and profligate manner. His period of office was full of troubles and seditions. Paul was brought before Felix at Caesarea. He was remanded in prison, and kept there two years in hopes of extorting money from him. Acts 24:26,27. At the end of that time Porcius Festus was appointed to supersede Felix, who, on his return to Rome, was accused by the Jews in Caesarea, and would have suffered the penalty due to his atrocities had not his brother Pallas prevailed with the emperor Nero to spare him. The wife of Felix was Drusilla, daughter of Herod Agrippa I., who was his third wife and whom he persuaded to leave her husband and marry him.



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