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5143 trecho {trekh'-o}   
顯然是一字根型 動詞(適當地說是, threcho, 參見 2359),以 dremo {drem'-o}(1408 的字源)   
作為在某些時態時的替代字; TDNT - 8:226,1189; 動詞   
AV - run 19, have course 1; 20   
1) 奔跑   
   1a) 指人在匆促之間   
   1b) 指參加賽跑中的人   
2) 隱喻.   
   2a) 指教義迅速被傳開 (#帖後 3:1|)   
   2b) 取自參與競跑者的比喻, 指使出渾身解數, 奮力爭取, 吃奶的力都拿出來   
   2c) 盡力達成或得到某個東西   
   2d) 在希臘文書中, 此字用以指遭遇到極端的危險, 必須要盡一切力量和努力去克服   

5143 trecho {trekh'-o} apparently a primary verb (properly, threcho, cf 2359), which uses dremo {drem'-o} (the base of 1408) as alternate in certain tenses; TDNT - 8:226,1189; v AV - run 19, have course 1; 20 1) to run 1a) of persons in haste 1b) of those who run in a race course 2) metaph. 2a) of doctrine rapidly propagated 2b) by a metaphor taken from runners in a race, to exert one's self, strive hard 2c) to spend one's strength in performing or attaining something 2d) word occurs in Greek writings denoting to incur extreme peril, which it requires the exertion of all one's effort to overcome

