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5013 tapeinoo {tap-i-no'-o}   
源自 5011; TDNT - 8:1,1152; 動詞   
AV - humble 6, abase 5, humble (one's) self 2, bring low 1; 14   
1) 降低 (#路 3:5|)   
2) 降卑,羞辱,惡待   
 2b)強調羞辱的對待方式 (#林後 12:21|)   
3) 謙卑,使謙卑   
4) 嚴管,使卑賤 (#腓 4:12|

5013 tapeinoo {tap-i-no'-o} from 5011; TDNT - 8:1,1152; v AV - humble 6, abase 5, humble (one's) self 2, bring low 1; 14 1) to make low, bring low 1a) to level, reduce to a plain 1b) metaph. to bring into a humble condition, reduce to meaner circumstances 1b1) to assign a lower rank or place to 1b2) to abase 1b3) to be ranked below others who are honoured or rewarded 1b4) to humble or abase myself by humble living 1c) to lower, depress 1c1) of one's soul bring down one's pride 1c2) to have a modest opinion of one's self 1c3) to behave in an unassuming manner 1c4) devoid of all haughtiness



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