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5007 talanton {tal'-an-ton}   
源自 tlao (負荷, 相當於 5342)原型之推測引申字;; n n   
AV - talent 15; 15   
1) 天平的秤, 秤盤, 天平   
2) 稱重, 一個他連得   
   2a) 因不同地方及次數而改變的重量   
   2b) 和一個銀子等重的總金額,且因依據管理貨幣之法律中的小幣值   
       2b1) (Attic) 他連得相等於 60 彌拿或是 6000 錐克瑪 (希臘幣制)   
       2b2) 在以色列重量度量衡中,一個銀的他連得大約是100 磅 (45 公斤)   
       2b3) 在以色列量量度量衡中,一個金的他連得大約是 200 磅 (91 公斤)   

5007 talanton {tal'-an-ton} from a presumed derivative of the original form of tlao (to bear, equivalent to 5342);; n n AV - talent 15; 15 1) the scale of a balance, a balance, a pair of scales 2) that which is weighed, a talent 2a) a weight varying in different places and times 2b) a sum of money weighing a talent and varying in different states and according to the changes in the laws regulating currency 2b1) the Attic talent was equal to 60 Attic minae or 6000 drachmae 2b2) a talent of silver in Israel weighed about 100 pounds (45 kg) 2b3) a talent of gold in Israel weighed about 200 pounds (91 kg)



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