闽竒ゅ 玡
4792 sugkomizo {soong-kom-id'-zo}   
方 4862 ㎝ 2865;; 笆迭   
AV - carry 1; 1   
1) 癬拟盿┪癬笲癳, Μ栋   
   1a) Μ旅笰, Μ栋絓   
2) 籔ㄤ狥﹁癬拟盿, 盿非称甀府┪礗縉砰 (#畕 8:2|)   
   2a) 甀府

4792 sugkomizo {soong-kom-id'-zo} from 4862 and 2865;; v AV - carry 1; 1 1) to carry or bring together, to collect 1a) to house crops, gather into granaries 2) to carry with others, help in carrying out, the dead to be buried or burned 2a) to bury

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