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4716 stauros {stow-ros'}   
源於 2476 的字源; TDNT - 7:572,1071;陽性名詞   
AV - cross 28; 28   
1) 一直立的柱子, 尤其 指用作指標用的竿子   
2) 十字架   
   2a) 希臘人和羅馬人由腓尼基人處所引入的一種以極端殘忍及羞辱而著名的刑具; 成為羅馬帝國所使用   
       的刑罰之一, 直到康士坦丁大帝時才廢止, 用於十惡不赦之罪犯, 尤其如社會最低階層的如隸,    
       強盜, 教嗦或帶頭叛亂的人, 在偶而的情形下於各行省中, 因著統治長官的個人好惡, 正直和平   
       順的人, 甚至羅馬公民, 也有被施以此刑的.   
   2b) 基督所承受的十字架刑罰

4716 stauros {stow-ros'} from the base of 2476; TDNT - 7:572,1071; n m AV - cross 28; 28 1) an upright stake, esp. a pointed one 2) a cross 2a) a well known instrument of most cruel and ignominious punishment, borrowed by the Greeks and Romans from the Phoenicians; to it were affixed among the Romans, down to the time of Constantine the Great, the guiltiest criminals, particularly the basest slaves, robbers, the authors and abetters of insurrections, and occasionally in the provinces, at the arbitrary pleasure of the governors, upright and peaceable men also, and even Roman citizens themselves 2b) the crucifixion which Christ underwent

牧師:盧佳惠傳道師 地址:彰化縣芳苑鄉仁愛村斗苑路芳苑段245號
地圖一 地圖二
email:fychurch@fhl.net 電話:04-8984316
創設日期:主後1899年9月16日 劃撥帳號:02874751