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4680 sophos {sof-os'}   
與saphes (清晰)一字相關; TDNT - 7:465,1056; 形容詞   
AV - wise 22; 22   
1) 有智慧   
   1a) 技巧好的人, 專家   
   1b) 有智慧(博學多聞,有教養)   
       1b1) 指希臘哲學家   
       1b2) 指猶太神學家   
       1b3) 指基督教教師   
   1c) 實質的智慧(行動上)   
   1d) 思維的智慧(精於籌劃)   
同義詞 見 5872

4680 sophos {sof-os'} akin to saphes (clear); TDNT - 7:465,1056; adj AV - wise 22; 22 1) wise 1a) skilled, expert: of artificers 1b) wise, skilled in letters, cultivated, learned 1b1) of the Greek philosophers and orators 1b2) of Jewish theologians 1b3) of Christian teachers 1c) forming the best plans and using the best means for their execution For Synonyms see entry 5872



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