闽竒ゅ 玡
4475 rhapisma {hrap'-is-mah}   
方 4474;; い┦迭   
AV - strike with the palm of (one's) hand + 906 1,   
     strike with the palm of (one's) hand + 1325 1,   
     smite with (one's) hand + 1325 1; 3   
1) ノ匆┪┪聾阑ゴ   
2) ノも磝ゴ, 篞φ, 篞φ

4475 rhapisma {hrap'-is-mah} from 4474;; n n AV - strike with the palm of (one's) hand + 906 1, strike with the palm of (one's) hand + 1325 1, smite with (one's) hand + 1325 1; 3 1) a blow with a rod or staff or a scourge 2) a blow with the flat of the hand, a slap in the face, box the ear

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