闽竒ゅ 玡
4312 propetes {prop-et-ace'}   
方 a compound of 4253 and 4098;; 甧迭   
AV - rashly 1, heady 1; 2   
1) 玡汲, 繷绰玡, 渡弊, 皛甼,   
2) ヴ種, 玃∕﹚, ぃ臮狦 (#畕 19:36; 矗 3:4|)

4312 propetes {prop-et-ace'} from a compound of 4253 and 4098;; adj AV - rashly 1, heady 1; 2 1) to fall forwards, headlong, sloping, precipitously 2) precipitate, rash, reckless

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