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4245 presbuteros {pres-boo'-ter-os}   
presbus ("年長"之意); TDNT - 6:651,931; 形容詞   
AV - elder 64, old man 1, eldest 1, elder woman 1; 67   
1) 年長   
   1a) 兩個人比較   
   1b) 閱歷多的人,長輩,長者   
       1b1) 先祖   
2) 階級,職位的名稱   
   2a) 在猶太人中   
       2a1) 公會裡的一員 (早年都是從年長者遴選出領袖或審判官)   
       2a2) 在各城市處理公共事物與執法的人   
   2b) 基督徒當中,主掌會議(教會)的人,新約聖經裡長老,監督等名稱通用.   
   2c) 啟示錄中天庭裡的二十四名長老,坐在神的寶座四圍   

4245 presbuteros {pres-boo'-ter-os} comparative of presbus (elderly); TDNT - 6:651,931; adj AV - elder 64, old man 1, eldest 1, elder woman 1; 67 1) elder, of age, 1a) the elder of two people 1b) advanced in life, an elder, a senior 1b1) forefathers 2) a term of rank or office 2a) among the Jews 2a1) members of the great council or Sanhedrin (because in early times the rulers of the people, judges, etc., were selected from elderly men) 2a2) of those who in separate cities managed public affairs and administered justice 2b) among the Christians, those who presided over the assemblies (or churches) The NT uses the term bishop, elders, and presbyters interchangeably 2c) the twenty four members of the heavenly Sanhedrin or court seated on thrones around the throne of God

