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4106 plane {plan'-ay}   
源於 4108 (取其抽象意義); TDNT - 6:228,857; 陰性名詞   
AV - error 7, to deceive 1, deceit 1, delusion 1; 10   
1) 徘徊, 迷失    
   1a) 偏離正路, 誤入岐途, 漫遊迷失   
2) 隱喻.   
   2a) 神遊相外, 亂了方寸, 失了心志    
       2a1) 導致道德或宗教上的錯誤觀點   
   2b) 錯誤的行為或行動   
   2c) 誤導, 會導向錯誤的, 欺騙, 詭詐   

4106 plane {plan'-ay} from 4108 (as abstractly); TDNT - 6:228,857; n f AV - error 7, to deceive 1, deceit 1, delusion 1; 10 1) a wandering, a straying about 1a) one led astray from the right way, roams hither and thither 2) metaph. 2a) mental straying 2a1) error, wrong opinion relative to morals or religion 2b) error which shows itself in action, a wrong mode of acting 2c) error, that which leads into error, deceit or fraud



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