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4053 perissos {per-is-sos'}   
源於 4012 (取其 在...之上 的意思); TDNT - 6:61,828; 形容詞   
AV - more 2, beyond measure 1, vehemently + 1537 1, more abundantly 1,   
     advantage 1, superfluous 1, very highly + 5228 + 1537 1,   
     exceeding abundantly above + 5228 + 1537 1,   
     exceeding + 5228 + 1537 1; 10   
1) 超越某個數量, 程度, 等級, 或所必需的   
   1a) 超乎其上的, 多過所需的, 額外增多的   
       1a1) 超過許多地, 最終極的   
       1a2) 更多的, 較多的, 比能想像還要多的, 就是真的更多的   
   1b) 高級的, 超然的, 超越的, 不凡的   
       1b1) 卓越, 優越, 優勢, 超越, 不同凡響的, 傑出的   

4053 perissos {per-is-sos'} from 4012 (in the sense of beyond); TDNT - 6:61,828; adj AV - more 2, beyond measure 1, vehemently + 1537 1, more abundantly 1, advantage 1, superfluous 1, very highly + 5228 + 1537 1, exceeding abundantly above + 5228 + 1537 1, exceeding + 5228 + 1537 1; 10 1) exceeding some number or measure or rank or need 1a) over and above, more than is necessary, superadded 1a1) exceeding abundantly, supremely 1a2) something further, more, much more than all, more plainly 1b) superior, extraordinary, surpassing, uncommon 1b1) pre-eminence, superiority, advantage, more eminent, more remarkable, more excellent



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