闽竒ゅ 玡
3952 parousia {par-oo-see'-ah}   
方 3918 瞷だ迭; TDNT - 5:858,791; 潮┦迭   
AV - coming 22, presence 2; 24   
1) 瞷   
2) ㄓ羬, ㄓ, 瑿縬確羬   
   2a) 瑿縬盢ㄓパぱ绑確羬, ㄏ確, 秈︽程糵, ㎝タΑ篴模砞ミ瓣   

3952 parousia {par-oo-see'-ah} from the present participle of 3918; TDNT - 5:858,791; n f AV - coming 22, presence 2; 24 1) presence 2) the coming, arrival, advent 2a) the future visible return from heaven of Jesus, to raise the dead, hold the last judgment, and set up formally and gloriously the kingdom of God

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