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3870 parakaleo {par-ak-al-eh'-o}   
源於 3844 和 2564; TDNT - 5:773,778; 動詞   
AV - beseech 43, comfort 23, exhort 21, desire 8, pray 6, intreat 3,   
     misc 4, vr besought 1; 109   
1) 叫到身邊來, 召喚, 召集   
2) 關懷, 表達關心, 同情, (call to, 要求), 其方式可以是勸告, 懇求, 安慰, 指導, 等等   
   2a) 勤誡, 勸勉   
   2b) 乞求, 懇求, 央求   
       2b1) 盡力懇求以求平息或撫慰...   
   2c) 撫慰, 用安撫的方式鼓舞及激勵, 安慰撫卹   
       2c1) 接受忍藉, 得安撫   
   2d) 鼓勵, 加強   
   2e) 勸勉, 安慰, 與鼓勵   
   2f) 指導, 教導

3870 parakaleo {par-ak-al-eh'-o} from 3844 and 2564; TDNT - 5:773,778; v AV - beseech 43, comfort 23, exhort 21, desire 8, pray 6, intreat 3, misc 4, vr besought 1; 109 1) to call to one's side, call for, summon 2) to address, speak to, (call to, call upon), which may be done in the way of exhortation, entreaty, comfort, instruction, etc. 2a) to admonish, exhort 2b) to beg, entreat, beseech 2b1) to strive to appease by entreaty 2c) to console, to encourage and strengthen by consolation, to comfort 2c1) to receive consolation, be comforted 2d) to encourage, strengthen 2e) exhorting and comforting and encouraging 2f) to instruct, teach



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