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3850 parabole {par-ab-ol-ay'}   
源於 3846; TDNT - 5:744,773; 陰性名詞   
AV - parable 46, figure 2, comparison 1, proverb 1; 50   
1) 將一物放在另一物之旁邊, 並列, 並置, 就像戰艦在海戰中列陣一般   
2) 隱喻.   
   2a) 比擬, 將一個比作另一個, 相像, 相似   
   2b) 用以闡明教義教理的例子   
   2c) 一個虛構的故事, 但符合律法及人類的生活型式, 作為比喻來闡述人的責任及有關神的事,   
   2d) 寓言, 比喻, 譬語: 縕函天國的教訓的故事   
3) 簡潔又有教導意義的話語, 通常包含一些比擬或對比的言詞, 具有勸誡警告的作用   
   3a) 警句, 格言, 座右銘   
4) 格言, 諺語 (#路 4:23|)   
5) 指一個人將其自身或自身所有的東西暴露在危險之中, 冒險, 風險

3850 parabole {par-ab-ol-ay'} from 3846; TDNT - 5:744,773; n f AV - parable 46, figure 2, comparison 1, proverb 1; 50 1) a placing of one thing by the side of another, juxtaposition, as of ships in battle 2) metaph. 2a) a comparing, comparison of one thing with another, likeness, similitude 2b) an example by which a doctrine or precept is illustrated 2c) a narrative, fictitious but agreeable to the laws and usages of human life, by which either the duties of men or the things of God, particularly the nature and history of God's kingdom are figuratively portrayed 2d) a parable: an earthly story with a heavenly meaning 3) a pithy and instructive saying, involving some likeness or comparison and having preceptive or admonitory force 3a) an aphorism, a maxim 4) a proverb 5) an act by which one exposes himself or his possessions to danger, a venture, a risk



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