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3465 Musia {moo-see'-ah}   
of uncertain origin;; 專有地名   
AV - Mysia 2; 2   
每西亞= "潮間帶植物之地"   
1) 小亞細亞的一個省, 位於愛琴海岸邊的, 在呂底亞(Lydia)與 Popontis 之間; 包括別迦摩(Pergamos), 特羅亞(Troas), 和Assos 等城市 (#徒 16:7-8|)

3465 Musia {moo-see'-ah} of uncertain origin;; n pr loc AV - Mysia 2; 2 Mysia = "land of beach trees" 1) a province of Asia Minor on the shore of the Aegean Sea, between Lydia and Popontis; it included the cities of Pergamos, Troas, and Assos

