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3191 meletao {mel-et-ah'-o}   
源自被認定為是 3199 的衍生字; 動詞   
欽定本 - premeditate 1, imagine 1, meditate 1; 3   
1) 照顧, 悉心處理, 經常做   
2) 深思熟慮, 亦即想出, 策劃   
   2a) 用來指希臘人的沉思默想, 與雄辯家   

3191 meletao {mel-et-ah'-o} from a presumed derivative of 3199;; v AV - premeditate 1, imagine 1, meditate 1; 3 1) to care for, attend to carefully, practise 2) to meditate i.e. to devise, contrive 2a) used of the Greeks of the meditative pondering and the practice of orators and rhetoricians

