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2766 keramos {ker'-am-os}   
可能源自767的基礎型 (取其泥土混水之意); 陽性名詞   
AV - tiling 1; 1   
1) 屋瓦 (#路 5:19|)   
同義詞 見 5858

2766 keramos {ker'-am-os} probably from the base of 2767 (through the idea of mixing clay and water);; n m AV - tiling 1; 1 1) clay, potter's earth 2) anything made of clay, earthen ware 3) a roofing tile 3a) the roof itself 3b) the phrase "through the roof", means through the door in the roof to which a ladder or stairway led up from the street (according to the Rabbis distinguish two ways of entering a house, "the way through the door" and "the way through the roof" For Synonyms see entry 5858



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