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2590 karpos {kar-pos'}   
可能源自 726 的字源; TDNT - 3:614,416;陽性名詞   
AV - fruit 66; 66   
1) 水果, 果子   
   1a) 樹上, 葡萄籐上, 或田野中所結的果子   
   1b) 人所生的, 亦即 他的子孫, 後裔   
2) 指源於或出自於其它事物的東西, 作用, 影響, 結果   
   2a) 工作, 行動, 行為   
   2b) 利益, 好處, 功效   
   2c) 頌讚, 用以表達對神供應的感謝   
   2d) 收果子(亦即 收割)到永生(如穀倉)中, 用來比喻 辛苦工作的人已準備好得以承受永生   

2590 karpos {kar-pos'} probably from the base of 726; TDNT - 3:614,416; n m AV - fruit 66; 66 1) fruit 1a) the fruit of the trees, vines, of the fields 1b) the fruit of one's loins, i.e. his progeny, his posterity 2) that which originates or comes from something, an effect, result 2a) work, act, deed 2b) advantage, profit, utility 2c) praises, which are presented to God as a thank offering 2d) to gather fruit (i.e. a reaped harvest) into life eternal (as into a granary), is used in fig. discourse of those who by their labours have fitted souls to obtain eternal life



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576