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2445 Ioppe {ee-op'-pay}   
源自希伯來文03305; 專有地名   
AV - Joppa 10; 10   
約帕 = "美麗"   
1) 巴勒斯坦地中海沿岸的一座城市.現今稱作雅法(Jaffa)

2445 Ioppe {ee-op'-pay} of Hebrew origin 03305;; n pr loc AV - Joppa 10; 10 Joppa or Japho = "beautiful" 1) a city of Palestine on the Mediterranean, lying on the border of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim. It was subject to the Jews from the times of the Maccabees. It had a famous but dangerous port and carried on a flourishing trade. It is now called Jaffa.

牧師:盧佳惠傳道師 地址:彰化縣芳苑鄉仁愛村斗苑路芳苑段245號
地圖一 地圖二
email:fychurch@fhl.net 電話:04-8984316
創設日期:主後1899年9月16日 劃撥帳號:02874751