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191 akouo {ak-oo'-o}   
字根型; TDNT - 1:216,34; 動詞   
AV - hear 418, hearken 6, give audience 3, hearer 2, misc 8; 437   
1) 被賦聽的能力, 未聾的   
2) 傾聽   
   2b) 以特別注意, 留心別人所說出的話   
   2c) 以了解所說出的話的意義   
3) 聽到某事   
   3a) 留心聽取當場他人的宣告   
   3b) 由聽聞而記住   
   3c) 耳朵所聽到的事, 發掘, 知曉   
   3d) 注意教師或其它教導的話語   
   3e) 領悟, 了解

191 akouo {ak-oo'-o} a root; TDNT - 1:216,34; v AV - hear 418, hearken 6, give audience 3, hearer 2, misc 8; 437 1) to be endowed with the faculty of hearing, not deaf 2) to hear 2b) to attend to, consider what is or has been said 2c) to understand, perceive the sense of what is said 3) to hear something 3a) to perceive by the ear what is announced in one's presence 3b) to get by hearing learn 3c) a thing comes to one's ears, to find out, learn 3d) to give ear to a teaching or a teacher 3e) to comprehend, to understand

牧師:盧佳惠傳道師 地址:彰化縣芳苑鄉仁愛村斗苑路芳苑段245號
地圖一 地圖二
email:fychurch@fhl.net 電話:04-8984316
創設日期:主後1899年9月16日 劃撥帳號:02874751