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1777 enochos {en'-okh-os}   
源於 1758; TDNT - 2:828,286; 形容詞   
AV - in danger of 5, guilty of 4, subject to 1; 10   
1) 有義務的, 受(承諾, 合約, 法律, 道德)約束的, 服從於, 有責任的   
   1a) 指應被愛沖昏頭而著迷熱情於某事的人(?)   
   1b) 在法庭中的用法, 指某人和其所犯的罪, 或其懲罰, 審問, 或其所冒犯的人, 違反   
       1b1) 有罪的, 當受懲處的   
       1b2) 指任何的罪惡   
       1b3) 犯罪   
       1b4) 懲罰   
       1b5) 裁決的責任, 亦即指法庭所應判定執行的懲罰   
       1b6) 指實行懲罰的地方

1777 enochos {en'-okh-os} from 1758; TDNT - 2:828,286; adj AV - in danger of 5, guilty of 4, subject to 1; 10 1) bound, under obligation, subject to, liable 1a) used of one who is held by, possessed with love, and zeal for anything 1b) in a forensic sense, denoting the connection of a person either with his crime, or with the penalty or trial, or with that against whom or which he has offended 1b1) guilty, worthy of punishment 1b2) guilty of anything 1b3) of the crime 1b4) of the penalty 1b5) liable to this or that tribunal i.e. the punishment to by imposed by this or that tribunal 1b6) of the place where punishment is to be suffered



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576